
Uncovering Chemical Secrets part 2 In development

"Uncovering Chemical Secrets part 2" follows the School of Chemistry’s successful A-level organic chemistry course and e-learning package, developed initially with support from the Higher Education Council Funding for Wales (HEFCW) and the Royal Society of chemistry (RSC).

This, again, is in the form of a DVD and contains interactive flash animations, high quality video clips, and extension materials which further enhance the teaching of UV-Vis Spectroscopy and key areas of inorganic and organic chemistry.

The resource can be used within normal lessons or as 'stand-alone' support for students engaged in independent study. Navigation through the DVD is very straightforward and copies can be uploaded to any number of hard drives allowing the resource to be used outside the school environment. The resource would make an excellent revision aid.

Click here for ordering information

Uncovering Chemical Secrets

This video provides a brief overview of the content and structure of the e-learning resource that has been developed at the School of Chemistry with support from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and the Higher Education Council for Wales (HEFCW) to support the project.
It plays very well if viewed full screen at 1080 HD.


Further details about this resource and an order form can be downloaded here:

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'File' ('top left') followed by 'Download '.