

“Exploring Organic Chemistry and Spectroscopy ”
Supporting A2 – Chemistry.

Arrival  Cardiff University          09.30
Lecture                                   09.40 - 10.20
Laboratory workshop             10.30 - 12.15
Lunch                                     12.15 - 12.45
University tour & summary     13.00 - 15.00
Departure                               15.00 - 15.30 

NB. Times are approximate

Full lunch facilities are available at Cardiff University.

Students will do steam distillation and solvent extraction in the workshop along with some simple qualitative analysis on the terpenes/terpenoids that they extract together with some related compounds.

In preparation, students could do an internet search on “Essences” e.g. orange oil, clove oil; they could read about some basic qualitative chemistry and re-visit chemistry that they did in their AS year. (e.g. test for unsaturation).

They could benefit from watching the RSC’s “Practical Organic Chemistry Video Series” (distributed to all UK schools). Especially useful would be the video on assembling ‘Quickfit’ apparatus